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PREFABRICATS VIBRATS, SA (PPREVISA) began its activity in 2002, inaugurating its facilities in Polígon Industrial Polingesa, in Riudellots de la Selva.

The project is born from needs detected by Construccions Fusté and from Formigons Cassà customers. We try to satisfy them with a quality product, at fair prices, and by giving customers a better service and closeness treatment that they were not receiving until now.

The best endorsement for any business initiative is given by the market itself. And it is in this sense that we can say that Previsa has been very well received. The interest in the product we manufacture has been there from the very beginning and the sales figures have increased significantly year after year.

The brand's commitment to the market leads us to work constantly to expand this range of products by developing new prefabs based on detected needs or new trends in construction materials, always maintaining high levels of quality and customer service that we proposed from the beginning.

Concreto roto



PI Girona, Levant Sector

C/ Onyar, 82

17457 - Riudellots de la Selva, Girona

Telephone: 972-460-772

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