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The road to success is always under construction



The first company of Grup Fusté was Construccions Fusté, founded in Sant Andreu Salou (Girona) in the 50s - 60s by the brothers Miquel and Lluís Fusté.

The company began focused on forestry work and earthworks, with its first investment, a tractor. Over time they invested in more machinery, until they bought the first truck and hired the first workers.

His business grew, thanks to his dedication and effort.

Formigons Cassà was founded in 1978, with the initial intention of covering the needs of Construccions Fusté, supplying fresh concrete. The concrete plant began to gain independence, increasing the fleet of cube trucks and new drivers, thus creating its own fleet and achieving economic autonomy.

In 1980 Construccions Fusté obtained its first classification of Works Contractor from the Ministry of Economy; this allowed it to grow and be able to make contracts with public administrations: City Councils, Regional Councils, Provincial Councils, Generalitat, etc. This point was key to ensure the stability and prosperity of the company.

In 1984, the hot asphalt agglomerate plant was installed and the first asphalt equipment was assembled.

Finally, in 2002, Previsa was founded for the manufacture of precast concrete. With this addition, the range of services and products to be offered to the clientele of the entire Fusté Group was increased.


Grup Fusté is currently a consolidated company in the sector, with a total commitment from our human team, highly qualified to tackle any type of project. The satisfaction of our customers is the main goal for us and the experience acquired during these years is our seal of guarantee and quality.

For this reason, Grup Fusté ensures great management, along with the awareness put towards the effect on the environment, and with the safety of the health of workers and externals.

Within Grup Fusté, different certificates of excellence have been obtained, with the aim that the company astake on new challenges and there is continuous improvement.

Our experience is our seal of guarantee and quality



Asphalt Plant

Main Office

Ctr. Provincial, 337

17244 - Cassà de la Selva, Girona



Telephone: 972-460-772

Hours: Monday to Friday

from 8:00-13:00 and 15:00-19:00h

Get in touch

Thank you for your message!

Av. Mas Pins, 62

17457 - Riudellots de la Selva, Girona

Telephone: 972-477-335

Mobile: 699-304-329


Hours: Monday to Friday

from 7:00 - 18:00h

Concrete Plant

C/ de la Via, s/n

17244 - Cassà de la Selva, Girona

Telephone: 972-464-090

Mobile: 690-872-601


Hours: Monday to Friday

from 7:00 - 18:00h

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